Behind the scenes

As the sixth months approaches since we brought the house I thought it was about time I activated the blog once again!!

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We celebrated our first Christmas which was extra especially special as it was also the first time we hosted Christmas. It was brilliant to wake up in our home and start our own traditions which our children will continue.  I love Christmas the romance, the delicious smells which come from the kitchen and of course dressing the tree and putting up the decorations. I did have a slight panic as we brought down the two small boxes from the loft and thought I would never have enough to fill the tree. Luckily the house is yet to have any shelving which would need any festive cheer. I’ll be shopping and doing lots of making in preparation for next year.

2013-12-23 10.46.29  2013-12-23 10.43.51Lots of varieties of holly in the garden meant I could hang garlands on each door.

We did have a stormy surprise Christmas eve when we awoke our huge eucalyptus tree at the bottom of the garden was no longer there. This does now mean we will be working on the garden sooner rather than later because it needs a whole new re-design, so watch this space.

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This was not the first or the last time our contingency was dipped into since we have moved in. A leaky roof,  faulty heating and 3 visits later from the plumber! Dodgy electrics and the rain gets into the TV ariel and wipes the signal, not helped by our very wet winter!

What will spring have in store for the house?